Cloud Web Hosting > General Cloud Hosting Discussion

SSD VPS along with specials on discounts?

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MarcoXX: is a good web host. They're consistently innovating, adding new technology to their hosting, adding new staff with knowledge I can't even comprehend. They helped transfer my account and provided reassurances of better service.
I'm paying half of what I was paying at my other host!

You will be pleased dealing with SSD VPS services. They are trustworthy provider with stable featured plans, professional support and reasonable prices.

No need to hesitate any longer -  :D is reliable web host - it is top one.

--- Quote ---Get Additional 50% OFF with COUPON: "SSDVPS" on top of 35% OFF, TOTAL SAVINGS of 85% OFF - FIRST MONTH - PROMO ENDS December 12th 2014, Midnight!
--- End quote ---
No hidden fees or surprises, very reliable service. Highly recommend!

Been with for over 6 months, they are "Rocks". My uptime is significantly higher than it was with my previous host. Speed and access to servers is great, feature to price ratio is hard to beat.
Good uptime, good support - most of the time!

Littoc: provides VPS deals with attractive 25% coupon code - Hot25%.
Overall their servers have no downtime and prices are competitive.


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