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Topics - BoxIT

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Any info on Hostforweb.com pricing and their server stability?
Need over 50 gbs of HD + 1 TB of Bandwidth, Linux
What can you say about their customer support, features, scripts they support?
What hosting provider is better? Why?

General Cloud Hosting Discussion / e-hosting deals in Italy (Milan)
« on: January 17, 2019, 02:22:01 AM »
I need to choose the best and the most reliable hosting provider offering reliable e-hosting deals..
Require over 100 gbs of HD, 2 GB of RAM and 3 TB of bandwidth, Linux + ssl certificates. Italy (Milan)
What can you say about QHoster.com web hosting services?
Are they reliable? What provider would you rather choose?


I need help. Want to order server (managed):
1000 GB - HD, 24 GB - RAM, 14 TB - Bandwidth
Any recommendations?

One of my friends recommend me to try centohost.com dedicated hosting service cos they offer such an opportunity.
Do you know anything about their reliability? What host would you choose? Any alternatives?

hey guys,
I decided to ask you to help me in choosing the best dedicated server host in USA.
Requirements: US location + helpful customer support 24/7, 500 gbs of Hard Disk, 24 GBs of Ram, 12 TBs of bandwidth, Linux.
I have already found these hosts:
==>> Hostwinds.com
==>> ipage.com
==>> Wiredtree.com

What are your views on these hosts? What host would you choose? Why?

I would like to order a good web hosting account in Mexico. I need 10 gbs of disk space.
Thinking to host my 2 wordpress blogs. What are your views on QHoster.com and Digitalserver.com.mx web hosting deals?
Are their prices good? What host would you choose and why?

What reliable places can you recommend me to look at?
I need wordpress hosting solution in US with 15 gbs of disk space. Any info on Stratus4.com reliability?
What can you say about their customer support? where are their servers located?

I need about 45GBs of space, 700GBs bandwidth. Well, kvchosting.com was recommended to me as a good place for this.
What can you say about this web host? Its customer support, pricing, features, etc.? Do you think I need to choose their VPS or ... ?

What reliable and honest VPS hosting providers in Europe do you know?
Thinking to choose the one that will provide me with good uptime and fast speed connectivity.
==> 30 gbs of space, 2 gbs of ram, Linux - budget is $20/mo
What host is better from your views: Swissns.ch or SolVPS.com? They both look to be good for my needs. Any help please?

General Cloud Hosting Discussion / Need managed cloud hosting
« on: January 25, 2016, 05:45:18 AM »
I have already found Stratus4.com and not sure if I can trust them.
Their servers are located in US. Is it reliable hosting provider? Do you know anything about them?
Any hosts for comparison?

General Cloud Hosting Discussion / Need Java VPS
« on: September 25, 2015, 09:03:05 AM »
I am in search of any possible customer hosting reviews about the quality of the services provided by JVMhost.com web hosting provider.
How stable and reliable are they? Any reviews?

I need reliable hosting provider that is optimized for running shoutcast web sites.
Having done a search I found Zetservers.com and their ssd vps hosting solutions attracted me a lot.
I would like to know more about this company and other webmasters' attitude towards it.

How good is this host for shoutcast hosting services?

What other places could you recommend me to visit?

General Cloud Hosting Discussion / Bitcoin or Webmoney Hosting?
« on: June 24, 2015, 05:03:45 AM »
As you see, I am looking for Linux web hosting provider that supports video streaming hosting services.
I have seen that QHoster.com has good reputation for providing Linux hosting services.
But how reliable and good are they for streaming video hosting?
Any experience?

What other companies can be good for this?

I'm looking for the hosting solution with these specs: 5GBs - space, 60Gbs - transfer!
any experience with webhost.pro? have found them via google search and their hosting plans and price for them meet my needs.
So, are they trustworthy? What should I know before choosing a host?

I'd like to know all the reliable hosts providing VPS hosting solutions (along with Skrill payment) with best uptime.
Need experienced provider, knowledgeable high available support via ticket and phone and moderate price.
Found attractive offers from QHoster.com, their pricing looks reasonable.
What can you say about their services? What host is better from your points?

General Cloud Hosting Discussion / Windows Hosting for asp.net app?
« on: September 19, 2014, 02:25:08 AM »
I came across various windows hosting offers and found aspnix.com - it offers hosting plans at good rates.
I have a client who needs to host asp.net and he is not experienced enough of setting up the files by himself. He needs good customer support help.

Is it trustworthy hosting provider?

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