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Topics - ryantyagi92

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ESDS Managed Colocation Hosting gives you the best enterprise Colocation hosting your critical IT Assets. With ESDS, get complete control of your virtual machines hosted in world-class Tier 3 Data Center infrastructure.

ESDS Managed Colocation is a trusted name leveraged by technology professionals, key business decision-makers for securely hosting their critical assets. ESDS Managed Colocation combines with businesses of all sizes and helps them reduce their overhead IT Costs with industry-leading & compliant Colocation Hosting.

Value-Added Benefits of ESDS Managed Colocation

ESDS Managed Colocation Services come with the following business value-added benefits-
•   ESDS offers 24x7 Exuberant Support; solving customer queries with the lowest TAT
•   Best-in-class infrastructure for server hosting
•   Dedicated teams for constant monitoring of user machines & assets
•   Reduced unwanted overheads & CAPEX
•   Remote Control Access of Colocated machines with KVM-IP/terminal access
•   Servers backed up on high-speed infrastructure supported by faster networks and secured storage

Features of ESDS Managed Colocation
Avail the following salient features of ESDS Managed Colocation for driving your business growth-
•   Tier 3 Indian Data Centers
•   High-speed data transfers
•   Instant Backups
•   On-click server management with eMagic
•   24x7 Exuberant Customer Support

Besides secure and Managed Colocation hosting, you also get on-demand KVM-IP Access and free setups.
So, why wait longer? Get leading Managed Colocation Hosting from ESDS today!!

For further details, contact Team ESDS through-
Email: getintouch@esds.co.in | Toll-Free: 1800 209 3006 | Website: https://www.esds.co.in/

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