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General Cloud Hosting Discussion / I need Zurich VPS
« on: July 10, 2024, 12:45:52 AM »
Recently I have discovered this offer: https://gthost.com/zurich-vps
$4 per month sounds really attractive.
Is it a good provider I can use?

What is the best web hosting for High Power websites out there?
I need to have a unique IP and also SSL Certificates, DDos protected
Found GTHost.com vps solutions in Canada. Are they trustworthy?
What host is better? Any other recommendations?

General Cloud Hosting Discussion / Need a solid VPS Host
« on: April 11, 2024, 10:02:08 AM »
Hello everyone,
I'm looking for a long term VPS host that's reliable and has a great customer support.
By great customer support I mean getting a response within a few hours not waiting days to hear back.
Below are minimum specs I will need for my projects although they can be altered but I think these are good starters.
30 gb+ SSD, 2 TB+ bandwidth, 6 gb Ram, 2+ IP addresses
OS: not sure what is best to be honest
Do you know anything about Rockhoster.com vps hosting service?
Any recommendations of any kinds are very welcome.
Thank you all in advance

I'm helping a friend who currently has a server hosting account with a provider and he is having issues with slowness, and the server that he is on shows high usage.
He is looking around for a new dedicated hosting Account. He currently pays around $100/mo for the following:
- 1000GB SSD
- 20000GB Bandwidth
- cPanel Control Panel
- Unlimited Domains, Subdomains, MySQL Databases etc
- 1 Dedicated IP Address
- 40 Accounts
Also looking at some type of backup if a provider provides this service.
What can you say about Hostnamaste.com budget server hosting solutions? Are they good? Any alternatives?

If Providers could let me know what deals you have please email me or private message me.


General Cloud Hosting Discussion / Wordpress Hosting?
« on: March 14, 2024, 04:36:21 AM »
Require your help regarding the choice of reliable host offering Wordpress hosting plans.
Could anyone help me in comparison, I've found Hostnamaste.com hosting solutions. Are they good?
I need about 30 gbs of space, 4gbs of ram and 1000 gbs of bandwidth.
What host is better from your points? Why?

General Cloud Hosting Discussion / Powerful dedicated hosting solutions?
« on: February 12, 2024, 01:48:33 AM »
I know that location of the server matters.
So I wanted to ask which providers are good for US audience and which one for Eastern Europe?
I was suggested to check GTHost.com dedicated hosting solutions.

In your opinion are they good? Or which ones can you recommend as well?

General Cloud Hosting Discussion / Reliable Linux vps host?
« on: December 14, 2023, 05:02:56 AM »
Hi All, Having outgrown my existing host, Im looking for the following.
Any recommendations would be appreciated:
US based Unmanaged CentOS VPS
30GB SSD Storage, 4GB RAM, 2 vCPU, 3 IPv4 addresses
Hopefully looking to pay $25/month
Can I trust NeironVPS.com Linux vps host? Any reviews, please?

General Cloud Hosting Discussion / Any solid VPS Host?
« on: November 16, 2023, 03:09:55 AM »
Hello everyone,
I'm looking for a long term VPS host that's reliable and has a great customer support.
By great customer support I mean getting a response within a few hours not waiting days to hear back.
Below are minimum specs I will need for my projects although they can be altered but I think these are good starters.
30 gb+ disk space
1 TB+ bandwidth
2 gb Ram
2+ IP addresses
OS: not sure what is best to be honest
Do you know anything about Neironvps.com virtual private servers? Are they reliable? What host is better?
Any recommendations of any kinds are very welcome.
Thank you all in advance

General Cloud Hosting Discussion / What bitcoin server host is better?
« on: October 17, 2023, 05:03:56 AM »
What is the best web hosting for High Power websites out there?
I need to have a unique IP and also SSL Certificates, DDos protected.
Have seen ZakServers.com offered nice offshore server hosting plans.
Are they reliable? Any other recommendations? What bitcoin server host is better?

General Cloud Hosting Discussion / VPS Hosting Required
« on: September 20, 2023, 02:57:10 AM »
Can someone describe their VPS hosting signup methodology. I'm opposed to fully automating the process. I'm too the point, we want to take orders, but worry about the spammers using resources before a follow verification check can be done. We feel our network, redundancy and planning are solid - it's the next "step" to get orders. Suggestions?
Do you know anything about OBhost.net and QHoster.com vps hosting solutions? Any reviews please?
Other options?

General Cloud Hosting Discussion / I need VPS in Ashburn.
« on: June 28, 2023, 07:55:48 AM »
I need VPS in  Ashburn.
I have seen
Are they good?

I  have been looking for the best Cpanel hosting and discovered
Are they good enough?

General Cloud Hosting Discussion / choosing bitcoin server hosting
« on: April 28, 2023, 04:56:19 AM »
I have over 10 web sites that get really huge traffic every day and think that it will be great to find a host that offers offshore servers in Europe.
The things that I need:
- Helpful customer support,
- Stable dedicated server,
- Location - Europe,
- Reasonable pricing,
Linux, 400 gbs of HD, 16 gbs of RAM and 4500 gbs of bandwidth.
I found Zakservers.com - can say that they offer pretty good bitcoin dedicated servers.
Is it reliable one? Have you ever heard anything about them? What is better?
Any alternatives?

General Cloud Hosting Discussion / I need a dedicated server in Spain
« on: March 31, 2023, 02:57:36 AM »
I need a dedicated server in Spain.
1 TB HD; band of 1 Gbps, 24 GB RAM, 24/7 tech support.
And I wanted to ask your help to one that is reliable, and have an affordable price.
I'd be very grateful for the feedbacks and reviews on QHoster.com solutions. Any suggestions please?

General Cloud Hosting Discussion / Hosting for ecommerce websites?
« on: March 02, 2023, 02:48:52 AM »
I need to run a e-commerce site and run more than 1 lack query per hour for few days till I need to insert the products via a API/web scraping. My current hosting has a limit of 45000 queries per hour, which is very less. Can someone suggest a budget hosting for same?
What are your views on Hostpro.com hosting solutions? Are they trustworthy?


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