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Author Topic: VPN.Asia. Secure VPN for Online Privacy and Downloading!  (Read 2611 times)


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VPN.Asia. Secure VPN for Online Privacy and Downloading!
« on: April 29, 2016, 03:28:42 AM »
With VPN.asia, you can securely visit any website without worrying about speed or security.
Visit: https://www.vpn.asia


Protect yourself online and download anonymously on websites like BitTorrent, PirateBay, and KickAssTorrents. You no longer have to deal with Copyright Infringement Letters because VPN.asia will keep your identity and information private. On top of that, our secure lines will allow you to browse the internet and download files much faster.
Install our easy-to use VPN application chose your server location VPN protocol and VPN port and enjoy your speed.

Our services are available in 30 countries via a non-logging VPN and Offshore VPN Provider stationed in Belize. VPN servers (https://www.vpn.asia/servers):
Canada, United States, Netherlands, Mexico, Austria, Denmark, Belgium, Spain, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, France, Poland, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Romania, Australia, Japan, Russia, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Cambodia, Singapore, Israel, Korea, Thailand, India,Malaysia, Turkey.

Choose your protocol:
- L2TP
- OpenVPN UDP (available ports: Automatic; 1194; 118; 123; 443; 9201)
- OpenVPN TCP (available ports: Automatic; 80; 88; 8008)
- Stealth
For countries with internet restriction, we offer StealthVPN, which enables you to bypass restrictions and maintain your privacy.

If you register now, we will be providing you with a 25% OFF Voucher code on all VPN Packages. Voucher: GIVEME25

Have a question?
Please visit our web site for LIVE CHAT consultation!

Sign up now for a faster and safer internet experience!

Website: https://vpn.asia
Promotion code: GIVEME25