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Best Wordpress Social Media Plugins


I want to download some more wordpress social media plugins, but I'm still wondering what to choose . According to you what are the best ones?

Shivam Tripathi:
Social media plugins are like to follow
Shared Counts.
Shared Counts is fast and easy to use social media plugin for WordPress.
Sassy Social Share.
WordPress to Buffer.
Simple Social Icons.
Social Icons Widget by WPZoom.
WordPress Social Login.
Revive Old Post.

Social media plugins like to follow
Shared count
Shared Count is a fast and easy to use social media plugin for WordPress.
Secy Social Share.
Buffer from WordPress.
Simple social icons.
Social Icon Widget via WPZoom.
WordPress Social Login
Redo the old post.

Social snap is one of the best social media plugin for WordPress sites.


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