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Author Topic: Save yourself countless hours by letting us find you the perfect assistant ready  (Read 2311 times)


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Do you run Web hosting business?

Save yourself countless hours by letting us find you the perfect assistant ready to work for you directly!
With AssistNinja  you will have the best Virtual assistant and will be able to interview them PERSONALLY before hiring!

Visit https://www.assistninja.com/  now for more details.

How it Works?

We’ll find the right people once you signup and use our recruitment service.

We process the request per your requirements given to us from filling our our online survey.

We select the top performing candidates to hand off to you.

You’ll be able to interview the top 3 virtual assistants for the role.

Pick your new VA and start working for them.

Why us?

We're No Middle-men. There are numerous VA companies that charge a monthly
premium to have access to their VA team scattered across the
Philippines. In reality they provide little benefit or oversight that
justifies the monthly premium they charge. With us, we act as a
headhunter to find you the right VA for your needs and allow you
to hire and work with them at the rate you negotiate with
them directly.

Learn more: https://www.assistninja.com/why-us/

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Feel free to contact us: