Experienced Java developers usually come across such tasks where they resolve the memory leaks, Excessive Garbage collection, Null references used in the code, etc. Similarly, they are keen on handling the code and resolving the concurrent modification. It could affect the code compilation process.
Developers can collect the objects and remove them in another loop
The objects altogether can create a memory leak which affects memory management. The Java programmers need to collect the objects, especially the short-lived ones, and remove them in another loop. It saves the common mistake of excessive garbage collection.
Use an Iterator. remove method
To resolve the concurrent modification from the Java program, the developers can use the Iterator. remove method. The Iterator. remove method is short and best to get success in Java compilation. It doesn’t need to create the additional collections in the editor.
Use ListIterator’s methods
The concurrent modification can be avoided; with the ListIterator’s method. The ListIterator in Java Programming provides the functionality to compile Java programs. It is an extended version of the Iterator method. There are multiple methods in Listiterator that can be implemented to resolve the concurrent modification simply and quickly.
Use specialized collections
The specialized collection in Java programming is used to improve the code value. For example, using “CopyOnWriteArrayList” instead of “ArrayList” doesn’t create a problem. The collection “CopyOnWriteArrayList” provides multiple modification methods to Java developers. It provides methods such as add, set, and remove.
This is the process of adding an iteration version over the original one while focusing on how to compile Java programs. The modification comes along with this process and resolves the concurrent modification from the code.
The Java developers use multiple ways to avoid and cut down the concurrent exception in Java. Developers explain that one of the best methods is creating iteration, which resolves the problem and runs smoothly.