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Author Topic: Hosting for audio file and/or an audio Compact Disc ?  (Read 2634 times)


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Hosting for audio file and/or an audio Compact Disc ?
« on: October 14, 2020, 07:05:06 AM »
Hello and thanks so much for your time.

Along with a business partner I will be looking to open up a website for business come this spring/summer. I have many questions regarding the type of hosting that will best suite the needs of making our product available to the public. (as well as payment gateways, etc...)

Wordpress will be the content management system (unless reasons to change develop) and the product for sale will be both a digital audio file and/or an audio Compact Disc. This product is a safety guidance audio soundtrack for specific machine operators.

Its difficult at this point to judge what the level of traffic or sales will be out of the gate, for there isn't really any other product that addresses the issue that this does. It is however a "HUGE" issue it addresses and there's no telling what to expect. I would rather prepare for a great deal of traffic than to set the bar low as in a typical shared hosting, and find out we need to move up into VPS or dedicated. Where neither my partner nor I are very computer savvy, we may be looking at a managed hosting service and would expect to pay more for this. I know there is no cheap way toward a good reliable service that will offer a high level of optimization, speed, protection and non-interruption of service.

So, this begins our process of discovering what we are going to need, and where and how to go about meeting the requirements. I'm very excited about this venture, and hope some of you may help to guide me along the way toward an appropriate hosting provider and service for out new upcoming business.

What are your views on Tzulo.com website hosting provider? Can I trust them? Alternatives?

Thank you very much!
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Re: Hosting for audio file and/or an audio Compact Disc ?
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2020, 06:54:15 AM »
The support staff is US-based which is a help as far as I'm concerned.
I have had no issues with Tzulo.com at all and have moved three other client's website to them.

They may be a few dollars more expensive, but certainly worth it.
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Re: Hosting for audio file and/or an audio Compact Disc ?
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2020, 04:13:10 AM »
Can recommend you to compare swissns.ch , asvhost.com and arvixe.com providers. Reasonably easy to configure, etc.
There are very serious hosting solutions out there that cost many times the price and are only a little better for web hosting.
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