Based on your friend's requirements and budget, will be an excellent choice for dedicated hosting. This hosting offers reliable hosting solutions with features that align well with your friend's needs:
Performance:'s servers use
SSD/NVMe drives, which ensures fast and responsive website performance. With enough resources and optimized infrastructure, they can handle heavy traffic and prevent slow performance issues.
Features: The hosting provides cPanel, Plesk, DirectAdmin, CWP, CyberPanel control panel, unlimited domains, subdomains, MySQL/MariaDB databases, and 5 dedicated IP addresses to match your friend's current hosting specifications. In addition, they offer various backup options to ensure data security and integrity.
Reliability: is known for its reliability and uptime guarantees, ensuring that your friend's websites will always remain available and up and running.
For specific deals and offers, I recommend contacting directly for personalized assistance and to discuss the available options that best meet your friend's requirements.